How to make a 10% sodium bicarbonate solution mix. Over 10% will suffocate blood cells.
1/2 table spoon sodium bicarbonate per 4oz of distiller water
1/2 tablespoon magnesium chloride
1/2 tablespoon potassium gluconate
1/2 tablespoon citric acid or powdered vitamin C
Squeeze 1/2 lemon for flavor
Drink 2-3 times per day
How to make an Electrolyte (one ounce shots)
32 oz of distiller water (mason jar best)
1 oz of liquid chlorophyll (health food store)
1 oz of glycerine (palm or coconut) derived
1 tablespoon magnesium chloride (liquid)
2 tablespoons of potassium gluconate (powdered)
1/2 teaspoon of trisodium phosphate (crystals - powdered) best to order from pure source. Hardware stores carry it as TSP as a cleaner but make sure it is just trisodium phosphate with no additives.
Mix in blender 30 seconds - seal and refrigerate
Coconut direct ship from Florida farm
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